Elk Grove Unified
Established: 2017
Studio Profile
Florence Markofer Elementary is a school that puts the community and students first, just their name alone is a testament to this. The school was named after an educator, local historian and active member within the community. This was the very first time the school district named a school after a living person to acknowledge their contributions to the community.
The students and teachers at the school are no exception, as many outlets are provided for them to thrive, create, and contribute to their community. Students utilize their SEVA Studio’s technology to produce content that brings fun and learning into the classrooms. Markofer Mustang News (MMNews) provides students and teachers with weekly news and their YoutTube channel makes it accessible to everyone. Mrs. Null spearheads the technology department providing an outlet for students from kindergarten to 6th grade with the opportunity and resources to create videos and podcasts that reach throughout the school and beyond.
SEVA Awards
Documentary K-3: A Trip to Locke! (Honorable Mention)
Documentary K-3: Why Dogs are Special (SEVA)
Instructional K-3: Baking with Hulon (Honorable Mention)
Instructional K-3: How to Make a Banana Smoothie (SEVA)
Instructional 4-6: Markofer Pick Up and Drop Off (Honorable Mention)
PSA K-3: Surviving Braces (SEVA)
School News K-3: Elk Grove Basketball (SEVA)
Creative Expression K-3: Don’t Litter, It’s Easy (Honorable Mention)
Documentary K-3: Z Strong (SEVA Award)
School News K-3: MMNews Episode 62 – Mini Mustangs Fall Edition (SEVA Award)
Creative Expression 4-6: Water Bottle Monsters with Emily (Honorable Mention)
Documentary K-3: Martin Luther King Jr. Documentary (SEVA Award)
Documentary 4-6: Paige’s Journey – What it’s like to Test Positive for COVID (Honorable Mention)
Instructional K-3: Practice Positivity (SEVA Award)
PSA K-3: Safe Travels During COVID (Honorable Mention)
PSA 4-6: Wash Your Hands! (SEVA Award)
School News K-3: Georgia Aquarium (Honorable Mention)
School News 4-6: MMNews Episode Mini Mustangs Home Edition (SEVA Award)
Documentary K-3: Florence Markofer (Honorable Mention)
Creative Expression 4-6: Low Self-Esteem (SEVA)
School News K-3: MMNews Mini-Mustangs Episode 1 (SEVA)
School News 4-6: MMNews Mustangs Episode 9 (SEVA)
SEVA Teacher Tammy Null
Mrs. Null has been teaching for over 18 years, and has not lost a single ounce of her enthusiasm. Her excitement is contagious at SEVA events, as well as in her classroom. It is incredible to witness Mrs. Null instill confidence in her students to create their first videos. Although she is a master at making the best of what equipment she has, her studio was given a needed upgrade this year with a SEVA grant. With her help, her students are sure to be able to accomplish great things with the new equipment. Mrs. Null loves sharing her passion with others and it shows! When her students were asked about their SEVA experience, a constant theme was how much she had shared her vast knowledge with them in meaningful ways. Mrs. Null is looking toward the future to see what new technology it will bring for her classroom. We have no doubt that she will continue to be an integral part of the SEVA community. Thank you, Mrs. Null for your contagious enthusiasm and passion! We are proud of all you have contributed to your students, as well as to the SEVA program itself.