This week’s SEVA Teacher of the Week comes from Luther Burbank High School in the Sacramento City Unified School District. John Hull has been teaching for 14 years and has not lost any of his enthusiasm for what he does. You can tell that media is not only his work, but his passion as well. He gets just as excited as his students do about their videos. In Mr. Hull’s classroom, the students enthusiasm only grows when they talk about their projects with Mr. Hull and he begins to infuse his own spirit and energy. It is this enthusiasm that hooks students in to his media program. His students continue to improve their techniques year after year and become mentors to new students in the program.
Mr. Hull provides his students with the opportunity to compare their work with others by collaborating with the SEVAs. By doing this his students are able to see that their work is just as good as the others out there which creates an excitement for them to continue producing great digital media. Thank you Mr. Hull for being a pillar in the SEVA program, it’s hard to imagine this group of teachers without you in it.
For more about SEVA Teacher of the Week: