Award Status: SEVA
Category: Creative Expression
Grade Level: 4-6
Program Title: 2020: The Peculiar and Unlucky Months
Producer(s): Maria Zhang and Layla Hoke
School: Oak Hill Elementary School
School District: Center USD
Defining 2020: “2020 was definitely challenging, because we had to record at our houses, and we also had to borrow filming equipment from our school and bring it home. We couldn’t meet at each other’s houses to make our background the same because of social distancing and the stay at home order. It was also hard to make sure our volumes were the same, but the thing that was the most challenging was taking care of our families and going through all the peculiar events in 2020. We decided to make this video so we could tell people more about 2020, but not only in America. We wanted to make sure that people knew that the whole world was facing different events. To us, 2020 was very unlucky and strange, so we decided to try and give others a different perspective of how they could change the world.”
Educational Message: We wanted to inform others about all the things that happened in 2020, not only in America but all around the world. We also wanted to try to help others get a better understanding of 2020 and how they can help to change our world.