Hundreds of people turned out today for the second of two NUSD community parties to celebrate the launch of NUSD’s annual Free Summer Meals program, which provides free meals to youth 18 and under throughout the summer. (The first celebration was last Thursday, June 7, at Natomas Park Elementary) Participants in today’s Two Rivers Elementary event got to choose between a hamburger, veggie burger or chicken sausage lunch, with green salad, fresh fruit and milk Youth ate free at today’s event, while adults 19 and older were charged a nominal $3.50 Festivities included a specially equipped bicycle for blending smoothies, which were sampled by visitors Two local farms – Vierra and Fierry Ginger – assisted by passing out fresh vegetables in a small, free farmers market NUSD’s Free Summer Meals program is committed to ensuring that every child has an opportunity to eat free, healthy meals while schools are closed for Summer Recess
About SECC
SECC’s mission is to provide quality educational resources to learners of all ages in the greater Sacramento community primarily through video and other information and communication technologies via cable systems and networks. SECC is a collaborative effort of the K-20 education community all working together toward this mission.