Teach 21: It’s News to Me
Students identify what’s happening on campus and learn to report the news by using simple video filming and editing techniques. Working in teams of three, they will select a subject, find pertinent facts, and report a story. Project requires students to incorporate video elements in news stories, such as interview sound bites, reporter stand-up, b-roll footage, on screen text and reporter narration.
About Teach 21 – Advancing Network Uses Grant: This project is funded by the state’s K12 High Speed Network (http://k12hsn.org) for the purpose of providing educators across the state with a vision for the meaningful integration of technology into the core curriculum and reinforcing 21st Century Learning Skills. The lesson Wiki includes the objectives, procedures, standards alignment (both state and national), materials, and links to additional resources. The lesson includes this 2-3 minute video clip with teacher interview, student interviews and a snapshot of what the lesson actually “looked like” in the classroom.
View Elk Grove USD Teach21 lesson plans at: https://anu-teach21.wikispaces.com/ANU+Home
California’s K12 High Speed Network: http://k12hsn.org
Check out Toby Johnson Middle School – http://tjms.schoolloop.com/
For more information about Elk Grove USD – http://www.egusd.net/