The Elk Grove Unified School District, with generous support from the S.D. Bechtel Foundation, has partnered with nine other districts in the state of California to support the implementation of Common Core State Standards in Mathematics for grades K-8. Our professional development model, called Math Generation, seeks to improve mathematics instruction through developing teacher methods and practices, while guiding schools’ efforts to implement professional learning communities in order to advance mathematics in the culture of our schools.
We know working in collaborative teams is essential to changing and improving instructional practices. The rare privilege of collaborating with other districts, as well as the partnerships with West Ed and CalEd have provided new insights and opportunities for learning that we are able to at our sites.
The Common Core State Standards require a shift in instructional practices that emphasize how students interact with math. To be college and career ready, students must be problem solvers. Teachers must shift their practice from delivering information to facilitating discussion and nudging students to develop their own conceptual understanding of mathematics and its application. The Math Generation team develops content-focused professional development strategies as well as instructional strategies that best support student learning and the application of CCSS-M content.
During Math Generation’s professional development training, site-based coaching, and classroom practice, teachers have the opportunities and support they need to cultivate, apply, and refine these instructional strategies. Engaging students in proficient discourse continues to be the focus for our classrooms. Sites have engaged in Number Talks to help their students develop number sense and practice talking about math. Sites have also implemented weekly problem solving with non-traditional mathematics problems. Non-traditional math problems put students in a real world situation, allowing them to use multiple strategies and mathematical reasoning to make sense of the problem.
We believe by creating a community of learners at the district, site, and classroom level, teachers can make the changes and shifts required by the Common Core State Standards and increase student achievement in Mathematics.
To learn more about Math Generation, please visit: