Studio Profile
The media program at James McKee Elementary School in the Elk Grove Unified School District is a place where students can truly use their imagination. While computer resources teacher Nick Maltbie leads the program, he puts the students in charge of the studio. They focus not only on media production, but also print journalism. Students quickly found their stride in the school’s Bear News Network (BNN) and developed entertaining segments to inform and connect fellow students. From “Book Talk” to spirit day commercials, students had no trouble sharing their vision through video. Although the program is still new, Mr. Maltbie and McKee students are committed to making the program a success, even during distance learning.
Notable SEVA Videos
Creative Expression K-3: Kinder Sign (SEVA Award)
Documentary 7-8: Having Tourette’s Isn’t a Tragedy, Having no Bacon Is (SEVA Award)
Creative Expression K-3: Book Talk Takeover (Finalist)
Creative Expression 4-6: Choices (Finalist)
School News 4-6: Bear News Network Studio Tour (Finalist)
SEVA Teacher Nick Maltbie
Mr. Maltbie is a computer teacher who was adventurous enough to take on the challenge of starting a media broadcasting group for the school. He jumped in with two feet and started learning all there is to know about elementary school media education. Mr. Malbie quickly became a staple of the SEVA teacher group, never missing a meeting or training. In this way he hit the ground running and his students were able to start working very quickly. His students credit him with helping them take on this new challenge and teaching them all that they know. McKee students quickly found their stride with great news segments like “Book Talk” that developed a following across the school. Mr. Maltbie has the great ability to see the uniqueness in each student and let them share that through media. It’s obvious that he truly cherishes the role he gets to play in the lives of his students. He continues to find ways to let them connect through media, even while at home. Thank you, Mr. Malbie, for showing what doors you can open for students by introducing them to media education.