Dragon Productions
Sacramento City Unified
Established: 2016
Studio Profile
Genevieve Didion K-8 is an academically rich school community that provides an environment of positivity from teachers, parents, and students. Teachers challenge their students to push themselves to achieve their academic goals. They work to encourage every student to thrive not only academically, but also socially and emotionally.
This atmosphere of positivity and history of striving for excellence can be seen throughout the school, and especially in the media program taught by Mr. Howe. The program is student-driven, and the amazing work they do can be seen through their news channel “Dragon Productions.” The equipment provided by SECC has made this SEVA studio in high demand and if you take one look at the enjoyment these students get out of their media studio, you can see why. Media not only teaches them how to create content, it teaches them how to create collaboratively so that they can come together and make something amazing. These students have a passion for media and you can tell just by listening to them speak the incredible impact the media program has made, and will continue to make, as they journey through life.