Great sessions from CapCUE Techfest 2017 on Comcast 16 every Monday at 4:30 pm and Saturday at 7:00 pm.

A Day to Play
Westlake Charter School Executive Director John Eick welcomes the 2017 CapCUE attendees with a message exploring creativity and learning to play.

Cooking up the News
In this session, you’ll learn a fool-proof recipe to help students cook up awesome news packages. Using ingredients such as intros, outros, interview sound bites, natural sound, b-roll footage and reporter narration, you’ll be able to create some tasty news reports.

Digital Storytelling – Lets Get Your Students Creating in the Classroom
Our students are constantly consuming information, in and out of the classroom. Let’s help them learn to be creators of content and share their stories and creativity with an authentic audience. In this session, we’ll discuss how digital storytelling gives students voice and choice in the classroom. You’ll learn different tools that can be used to help get your students creating content in the classroom tomorrow!

Making Movie Magic with Stop Motion
Learn how to use stop motion animation to add a creative twist to your classroom curriculum. Collaboratively engage your students in hands-on projects that will take their love of a subject to 21 century learning. Apply it to writing, spelling, math, social studies, science, or have fun with it. Students will be so engaged they won’t realize they’re learning. It’s fast and easy for any grade level!

Primarily Google: Introducing the Google Suite for Little Learners
Even our youngest students can CREATE with the fabulous tools offered by Google! In this introductory-level session, get an overview and see examples of Primary students using Google Docs, MyMaps, Forms, Draw, and Google Classroom! I’ll share tips and tricks for managing All-Things-Google with our littlest learners.

Reading Across The Curriculum with Newsela PRO
In this session, Michael will share examples of how current event and nonfictions texts can be used across all content areas to connect the standards to the real world to make learning real and meaningful to students. Through an interactive product demonstration, an examination of a case study, and candid discussion, teachers will become acquainted with different ways Newsela can be used.

Unleash the Power of Creative & Rigorous Learning
WeVideo for Schools is a secure, managed, and collaborative video creation ecosystem. Teachers can assign individual or group projects and track student involvement. Students can use any device – Chromebook/tablet/mobile – to complete the project anywhere. Our session will start with a quick overview of WeVideo, then move into a variety of hands-on activities: you choose the best one for your skill level.